Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Baby Sleep Book

Baby Sleep Book
There are many books available that will teach you how to sleep you baby. There you can easily figure out which book is most helpful for your baby’s sleep problem. There entire books store section devoted to the topic of babies and sleep.

I spent a good part of last year writing Sleep Solutions for Your Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler (an award-winning book on babies, toddlers, preschoolers and sleep), so I learned a lot about this topic -- specifically which sleep books fall into which sleep training schools of thought, and which approaches tend to be most helpful with babies of various temperament and at various stages of development.

The Sleep Facts of Life

This is why one-size-fits-all sleep solutions feel as uncomfortable to you as a parent. You're being asked to fit your baby into an-off-the-shelf sleep program that was designed by someone who has never had the pleasure of meeting you or your baby.

No one sleep solution can work equally well for all parents and all babies because everyone's situation is unique and every baby is unique.


I wrote this lens to try to help you to zero in on the books that are most likely to be helpful to you and your baby. If you'd like help in evaluating the pros and cons of each method (scientifically as well as from a parent and baby's point of view) or some background on how the various methods worked out for real parents, that's something my book explores in detail.

Here's how I've organized the books in this lens:

I. sleep books that would be useful to every parent
II. gentle/no-cry books
III. cry-it-out or modified cry-it-out books
IV. baby scheduling books
V. general sleep books that are worth reading

I've zeroed in on what I consider to be the best (or the most well known) in each of these categories.

I will likely update these choices over time because I continue to research sleep issues on an ongoing basis.

If you think I'm missing an important title, please feel free to leave me a note in the guestbook below. I always welcome input and ideas.
- Ann Douglas

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